Thursday, June 14, 2007


Blogger Freddie & Hollie said...

welcome back

8:32 AM  
Blogger David and Phoebe said...

Hey guys, how's lean mean? Fancy coming in here to show Dave your book (he wants to hire another team, it's not just placement). Also a couple of guys we know have setup a VCCP blue, as the name would suggest it's part of VCCP but they've been setup to do more creative local things. I'll email you his phone number, don't really wanna give it out on here. But they're really nice guys, definately worth going in for a chat, and they want to hire a team unlike other places who will string you along for a year on placement. Any chance you can stick us on the guest list for monday night, think Dave's coming and i've invited those guys from VCCP along too so i'll introduce you then. Hope your both well. D&P

9:49 AM  
Blogger Freddie & Hollie said...

We need your new email. so send it to our hotmail:

Of course you'll be on the guest list and guests... and any problems.. think d's got my number so call and i'll come down.

All aside. We would love to come in, we really would. SO much. Pop us an email and we'll organize it. SOON as poss
(LMFM's been awesome. really fun and quick brief turn arounds. Got quite a bit of stuff picked up and shot etc. Off to MCBD on monday though... gotta try everything out there etc..)

10:08 AM  
Blogger anthony said...

well done on the new job, you guys rock. ant.

2:08 AM  
Blogger Scamp said...

Congrats on the job, guys.

They're a very nice bunch of people, and i'm sure you'll do well there!

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apology accepted! Just keep blogging away - it's the best blog around!

1:17 PM  

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